This website is operated by HKS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. based on the following site policy for the purpose of providing information on product brand “HKS”, dealer information as well as “HKS” product warranty registration.

When visiting the site, your identity profile and related information are stored in the form of cookies and our system in which you are using the service, both directly and in any related system. And is best kept in accordance with the basic principles of keeping confidential information.
Company collects product warranty registration from user as details below:
- Name
- Telephone no.
- E-mail address

Company team is very aware for the disclosure of our website visitors. We has no policy to disclose your personal information to the public, including third parties and other organizations, even for general distribution, exchange and sales. This does not include an inquiry which arising from a court order or Government Agency who authorized to act in a lawful manner.

Cookies are small test files that store your computer while visiting a website. These cookies are not computer programs and are not harmful to your machine. Purpose to enable our website and related partners to be browsed at a later date.

You can block the behavior of cookies or delete the cookies stored on your computer by configuring the browser you use to visit the website. But be aware that if you set your browser to block all cookies. (Including essential functional cookies) You may not be able to access all or part of our websites.
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact company HKS (THAILAND) CO., LTD.
for immediate assistance. Through e-mail: info@hksthailand.com or Tel. 02-117-0840-3

*The language of cookie policy part changes depending on the browser setting.